Friday, November 22: AJ's Interviewing Skills, Can Vince Neil Still Sing, Loser Of The Week And More!

Nov 22, 2019, 06:23 PM

AJ interviewed Cyndi Lauper because Chaz had an appointment, and intern Swipe seemed to have a lot of advice for AJ on doing better interviews in the future (0:00)

Motley Crue's return could be marred by the fact that Vince Neil has been a terrible singer - audio proof in news, with comedian J.P. McDade (5:39)

Everything you need to know about the Mister Rogers movie (17:39)

Brooke LouEllen knows J.P.'s Roast Battle opponent very, very well. In fact, she's seen him naked (24:33)

The always fun and unpredictable Robin from Shelton calls in for Loser of the Week (32:15)

Vincent the Long Island bagel guy on the phone to talk about driving a set of keys to a customer - over three hours away! (36:32)

Boss Keith's Top 5 is the items that prove you have money. Or really, it's his secret Christmas list (44:29)