Thursday, December 5: Tribe Toy Injuries, Concert Announcements, And Final Prep For Tomorrow's Toy Drive!

Dec 05, 2019, 07:51 PM

Tribe toy injury stories, including a Barbie Jeep, a bike accident and trying to play golf with a piece of rubber (0:00)

Amy is getting married at the Toy Drive, and admitted that her soon-to-be husband asked her not to wear flip-flops tomorrow for a specific reason (5:30)

Jimmy Koplik talks about the latest tour announcements, and the time a stage moved while a band was on it (12:00)

Joey Hanson talks to us after going viral for stopping a man from jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge (25:41)

Dumb Ass News - talking cat goes viral, Chaz and AJ play the audio, and of course Ashley thinks the cat is actually talking (38:36)