Episode 1658,   Feb 21, 2019, 02:05 PM

Sean plays audio of Byrne's declaration for senate run, he and Dalton talk charity, Family of the Fallen, at Mardi Gras, Floral Parade, buy throws, Ala's seat, Shelby and Jones, Rob Holbert, accidental appearance, runners for AL1, Jim Zeigler, Damn the Torpedoes: Mardi Gras traditions, Krewe of Zulu, New Orleans, gas tax, gambling bill, Uber & Lift,

Sean plays audio of Bradley Byrne's declaration for senate run, he and Dalton talk, charity, Family of the Fallen, at Mardi Gras, Floral Parade, buy throws, Ala's seat, Shelby and Jones, Rob Holbert, accidental appearance, runners for AL1, Jim Zeigler, Damn the Torpedoes: Mardi Gras traditions, Krewe of Zulu in New Orleans, they made Louis Armstrong wear facepaint, originally a black order, partier in headdress today, racist villain 10 or 15 years from now, gas tax, gambling bill, private enterprise, public safety, Uber and Lift, no more roadblocks,