Kyle Gray, December 22, 2019 - Angel Numbers and ... live time synchronicity

Dec 22, 2019, 08:52 PM

Kyle's Angels made their presence known during our interview and I would not have known if I didn't have to watch the clock to time the segments.

Kyle had a visitation from his (deceased) Grandmother when he was 4. Growing up, he saw things others didn't and had a fascination with Angels. He studied them and began giving Angel Card readings in his teens. An Angel showed up during a reading - and he turned pro. 

My interview with Kyle about his current book on Angel Numbers had an interesting quirk. Each time he made a significant statement - [I have to watch the clock to time the segments] - the numbers hit 444.44. A sequence. Unfortunately, not a thing I could document being unable to stop the clock or that anyone else would be able to see but I saw it as a fantastic anomaly and validation I could observe. I noticed the first time and mentioned it. When it happened a second time. That was gravy.

Significance of the number 4 sequence: "You are surrounded by 100,000 Angels. Miracles are happening before your eyes."

What wonderful companions and insight he has to share with the world.

Kyle Gray also hosts a weekly radio show on Hay House Radio called ‘Angel Club’ and is a weekly contributor in Woman’s World Magazine with a column titled ‘My Guardian Angel’.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!