Yes, I am 100% that Latina who doesn't speak Spanish Sin Pena. Conversations with Wendy Ramirez

Season 1, Episode 7,   Dec 20, 2019, 09:03 PM

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I want to thank Wendy Ramirez, Founder of, who brought me to a calm space of why we were on this Podcast regarding speaking Spanish or how we discriminate those that don't.  I understand this language is not our own, unless your 100% from Spain. However, this podcast touched a very sensitive and personal aspect of me to reclaim the Spanish language, as my Mexican culture is deep within my heart with the language. I have anxiety and have struggled to get to the source of why "not speaking Spanish” has been so hard for me. The reality has been, I want to speak it perfectly and not be shamed!! I have been called names, from both sides of the cultures, in the past for being Mexican-American, and not speaking Spanish.  I realized my voice in this podcast came from a place of extreme vulnerability and my past, which I don’t share often and you can hear it all throughout the conversation! However, I realized I was in a safe place, with Wendy, to share my story and that our goal is to help reconnect to our communities back to the language to build our circle of empowerment and career opportunities for Latinas/Latinx. Thanks for listening.