Twin Chat With Mase and Gem - So This Was Christmas!

Season 1, Episode 9,   Dec 29, 2019, 08:05 PM

Christmas with the Twins and they loved it! It started early in November but Gems took everything down on the 27th. Join us for our summary of the ups and painful downs of Christmas 2019!

So Christmas is well and truly over. Scrooge Gem has taken down the decorations and has lost her Christmas Spirit. 

It's been an interesting couple of weeks since our last podcast. We have had broken arms, broken noses, lots of food and drink and fun. 

Mase and Gem run through the highs and lows of the Christmas season, the Twins visiting Santa via the Polar Express, preperation for Santa's visit and the big day itself. 

Please join us for our HoHoHum journey through Christmas and please do subscribe and contact us with your feedback, ideas and suggestions for future podcasts. 

Thank you for listening