101: All Hail Twin Temple

Feb 06, 2020, 03:23 PM

Merl reviews Twin Temple in London (stay tuned 'til the end for his chat with the band about how the hell you mix Satanism with doo-wop), plus El and Merl rate FFDP and Megadeth at Wembley. Alice is back with tales from 70,000 tons of metal, and there's chatter on Loathe, Metallica, Judas Priest, Katatonia…… Continue reading 101: All Hail Twin Temple

Merl reviews Twin Temple in London (stay tuned 'til the end for his chat with the band about how the hell you mix Satanism with doo-wop), plus El and Merl rate FFDP and Megadeth at Wembley. Alice is back with tales from 70,000 tons of metal, and there's chatter on Loathe, Metallica, Judas Priest, Katatonia… Continue reading 101: All Hail Twin Temple