Pavan On The F24 Podcast

Feb 07, 2020, 05:15 PM

In October last year Pavan and I were working out how to meet up but things kept coming up and we had to keep re booking until one day in early December I’m scrolling Instagram and I see a sleepy faced Pavan, head resting on some boxes in a car basically saying goodbye to the UK. I didn’t want to get to him right away I thought I’d let whatever happen lie for a week or two and then we spoke, Foreign Beggars had dropped their last album, and this meant his visa was done… He was heading back to Dubai..
We chatted, it was a bit of a mind fuck for me, I’ve known Pavan for maybe 15yrs not properly but in stores, shared friends, jams etc, loving the music from the iconic Asylum Speakers album but you’d think I’dda known that he was on a visa, I’m nosey.. I needed to know and wanted the story for the archive, Pavan has done so much!. We booked a date, opened up skype and got chatting, its dope, honest, inspiring and I now have a complete new found respect for Foreign Beggars after having this chat.. they worked.... This is part of Pavan’s story and some of his interactions with London, culture and creativity, enjoy this is F24.