LISTEN: Derek Richford, the Grandad of Harry Richford who died at a Kent hospital - has welcomed calls for better NHS maternity staff training - 20/02/20

Feb 20, 2020, 06:00 AM

The family of a baby who died after his tramautic birth at a Kent hospital - are calling for better training of NHS maternity staff.

It comes as new research by charity Baby Lifeline shows two thirds of maternity trusts don't make attending sessions, on caring and screening unwell new-borns, mandatory for all staff.

The charity's also calling for the government to reintroduce an £8.1m maternity training fund into the NHS.

We told you recently a coroner ruled the death of Harry Richford - a week after being born at the QEQM in Margate in 2017 - was 'wholly avoidable'.

Derek Richford is Harry's grandad.