Anna & Raven Hear a What?

Mar 04, 2020, 03:09 PM

If you’ve decided to make it your job to become a member of the grammar police or if you need to know every part of a fictional character’s backstory, that’s all I need to know about you! (0:00) Anna grabbed a book to read for a class at the recommendation of her daughter. It was a Dr. Seuss book so nothing bad can happen...right? (3:59)

It’s been so long, but Raven’s got a new roommate! It’s just like when he was a kid because his mother is staying with him while his wife is away on a Girls Trip! What would she improve around Raven’s house if she could? (8:34) Coronavirus has crippled the travel world, Anna & Raven talk with Amanda Klimak from Largay Travel & to see how much damage has really been done and what people that are planning on traveling should do. (13:26)

Anna’s Diary: She’s a caring person, until she doesn’t care anymore. Anna confides in her diary about how her husband will get under her skin about things that she will EVENTUALLY “not care about.” (18:37) Raven is proud of the stockpile of supplies he’s got in waiting for a quarantine. Anna thinks he’s crazy, but what else is new? Don’t forget your gold to trade! (20:19) 

Couple’s Court: Our listeners sided with Lisa over her boyfriend Kevin after his female best friend wanted him to be in the delivery room while she was giving birth, but take a listen and you decide, whose side you’re on? (24:13)

Can’t Beat Raven: Can Rosemarie beat Raven? (32:34) Lady Gaga’s boyfriend’s ex wrote a glowing op-ed about the musician. Can you nice things about your significant other’s ex? (36:19)

Raven’s dream as a kid was to be an astronaut, he was excited to find out NASA was looking to hire some. But does he have the chops to make the cut? (44:16)