073. Finding your Inner Strength

Episode 73,   Mar 17, 2020, 07:00 AM

Have you ever doubted your ability to have a seat at the table? Why do so many of us question why we deserve to be in the room while others take a seat regardless?

In her early twenties Dawn Embry was Director of Business Development, working with a number of large clients, including Selfridges. She questioned her seat, not because of her gender, but her age. To overcome her doubts she was forced to find her inner strength.

Now Director of Strategy and Performance at the global software services company Mobica, Dawn is passionate about helping other women to find their inner strength.

She shares her career journey, her passion for encouraging more women into tech and why now is an exciting time to work in the industry.

Host: Patricia Keating
Guests: Dawn Embry, Head of strategy and planning, Mobica
Listening Time:  35 mins
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