074. Don't be Afraid to Step off the Career Ladder

Episode 74,   Mar 24, 2020, 07:00 AM

When we recorded this podcast in February graphs documenting toilet roll usage was something we found amusing. Now we may all need Marion's formula!

In 2012 Marion Gamel left her high-flying corporate job at Google to press the reset button. In the previous seven years she had been one of the founding members of the firm's European marketing team and headed up Google's marketing operations in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka Middle East & Africa.

But years of prioritising work had taken their toll, Marion experienced burn out and the time had come to step off the corporate ladder.

Rather than hamper her career the pause allowed Marion to reflect and rejoin the corporate world with a renewed sense of purpose.

Now a certified Executive Coach (WABC), mentor, digital advisor and non-executive director, Marion shares her impressive career journey and explains why taking time out is overlooked. However, when you find yourself making graphs about toilet roll you know that perhaps the time has come to go back to work!
Host: Patricia Keating
Guests: Marion Gamel, executive coach, www.mariongamel.com
Listening Time:  35 mins
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