Traffic knots, Hanoi

Mar 18, 2020, 02:16 PM

"In Vietnam, traffic noise has become increasingly noticeable and a serious problem in large cities such as Hanoi. It is a crowded city characterized by relatively high noise exposure levels due to the large number of mopeds and harsh horn sounds. ​

If you can survive rush hour traffic in Hanoi, I bet you can make it anywhere. Hanoi, all in all, is unbearable, chaotic and noisy but at the same time fascinating, interactive and alive.

"In this recording the listener can perceive how the city becomes alive mainly in rush hour where the main roads are loaded with bicycles, scooters, buses and three-wheelers which hit the city with a couple of decibels."

Recorded in Hanoi, Vietnam by Rafael Diogo.

Part of the Hanoi city sound guide in our City Sound Guides series - see for more details and to listen to other cities.