Your Critical Friend Toni McLelland

Episode 15,   Apr 02, 2020, 05:45 AM

Toni McLelland has a rich background and experience in Criminal Justice, Care and Education, having worked
in Central Government for 18 years with MOJ, across care and education settings there isnt very much that she hasnt seen in
relation to business development strategy and policy over 30 years. Starting off operationally then working strategically in her roles managing multi million pound budgets.
She has a deep interest in understanding behaviour and learning and how environmental factors have an impact on development.
Whilst the majority of her work lies in public sector large scale strategic feasibility projects, service reviews 
transformation, reorganisation projects or crisis management she also devotes time to assisting those emerging as 'Leaders for Business' across sectors 
as she has seen first hand what can happen years down the line if it is not right from the outset.