Time Slip | Real Ghost Stories

Apr 14, 2020, 09:00 AM

What do you do when you know for a fact how a recent event ended, only to go back to revisit the scene to find the memory to be completely impossible? Was it a time slip?
Here is a sample of a story.
“We cannot for the life of us remember the number of the bus we took on the way into the airport, which area it was in or any of that. At this point, it is around 3 am. After searching for what felt like hours, we finally find the bus stop, which takes us to the right area. YES! At last, we can go home! we go into the parking garage, ride up to the third level where our car was, and start walking to where we parked. To our surprise, there was another car there. We searched everywhere in that parking garage for our car, every level, every spot. Had it gotten stolen? I stand right where I had remembered looking out into the other parking garage and tell my mom “this is where it was, I stood right here and looked right out from this rail!” We then thought well maybe we parked in the other garage. Which would be impossible seeing as were tracked our steps through the garage we distinctly remember every detail about. We walk into the other structure, and it was an ugly green, something surely, I would have remembered. No glass elevator, but an old, sketchy looking silver one. No nice concrete edging to look out from, everything was completely unrecognizable to any of us. We looked and searched and waited for another 3 hours until my mom located airport security to help us try and find it. The car was in that other green parking structure, where NONE of us has a memory of ever being. Did we go through some sort of weird time blip that made us think we parked somewhere we didn’t?”

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