Aufmunternde Berührung/encouraging touch

Mar 25, 2020, 02:48 PM

Lockdown sound from Vienna recorded by Luzi.

"I'm here in Vienna, Austria. We've stayed at home since 14 March. So, now 12 days and it will be like this until April 14th.

"For me, the coronavirus crisis feels somehow liberating, but also alarming. We are in the midst of change and I hope with all the people understanding that we all fight the same battles, consciousness of humanity will raise.

"The sound i sent to you is an "encouraging touch" on my boyfriend's leg. He is a guitarist and as such affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, but he is also a technical draftsman working for a corporation that supervises retirement homes all over Vienna. 

"So at the moment he works from home and has to correct all the floorplans because of the need for intensive care units in the buildings. So a lot of work and pressure today for him and no time for music. But we also enjoy the time we have close together now, working side by side on our projects. No airplanes in the sky and a lot of hope."

Part of the #StayHomeSounds project, documenting the sounds of the global coronavirus lockdown around the world - for more information, see