Departure Lounge with Sam Phay

Episode 426,   Mar 31, 2020, 01:28 AM

With the sudden cancellation of live shows, there are a stack of incredible musicians and their incredible teams – from roadies to sound techs, managers, publicists, it takes an army to bring music to you every night – are looking at an indefinite amount of time without consistent work.

That’s where the incredible team at Support Act step in. You might have heard about their Sound of Silence campaign but they are already doing incredible things to support our industry as a whole.

We also know that the current social distancing and isolation can be really hard for everyone, so at Ticketmaster HQ  wanted to find a way to bring everyone together for an afternoon to share something that we love, and are so grateful to have in abundance – live music.

Tuesday 31 March, (today) they bringing you sets from some of our favourite local musicians. From wherever they are bunkering down – in their loungerooms, bedrooms, gardens, or studios, they’ll be bringing us a sweet little set streamed to you live over on Ticketmaster’s Facebook Page.

Friend of the Show, voice of Club Yorke (formally Residual) Sam Phay checked in to the Departure Lounge with Stampsy and Josh to talk about the music industry and what we can expect from the performance.