137: The Scheme and Finding Steve McQueen

Apr 01, 2020, 01:00 PM

Mike Dunn returns -- from a safe distance -- to talk about HBO's college-hoops bribery-scandal doc The Scheme. Did we like it so much because we really miss sports, or is Christian Dawkins just that charismatic? Actually, it's probably both, and between this and Disgraced, director Pat Kondelis has really found his lane.

Later, we manage to avoid getting into (yet) a(nother) Ocean's 11 quote fight while discussing last year's Finding Steve McQueen, a feature based on the United California Bank robbery that can't decide whether it's a heist picture, a rom-com, or some weird combination (a "rob-com"?) that can't stop ref-checking 1972. We didn't dislike it, but we couldn't stop recasting it, so maybe you're better off with that Stealing Nixon's Millions podcast...and you're definitely better off staying inside with The Blotter Presents, Episode 137.