Seeing People | True Ghost Stories

Apr 21, 2020, 09:00 AM

Did a mother see ghostly figures around her house and interact with them as if they were alive? Or was she out of her mind? That's what one adult wonders as they look back.
Here is a sample of the story.
"I was only there about four months until I took my GED test; it all felt normal. The first problem was when she hung out with the neighbors. They all sat at the table having tea and coffee, I never saw them, but she introduced me and told them I was ex-military.
None of that bothered me; it was all information about me. What bothered me was that none of them ever existed. Everyone who entered that house was all in her head, well not me, but it's creepy.
I found out from a maintenance worker that she invites people over, but she apparently can see and interact with them. He didn't know how to react when he was fixing something in her house."

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