Kac Young - Qigong and the Bonus Medical Miracle

Apr 02, 2020, 01:05 AM

She had a clue when her Doctor expressed surprise at what he was seeing. The second clue was when more Doctors started filling the surgery room.

With Coronavirus, Covid-19, the need to have a resilient and fully functioning immune system is front and center. This timely conversation about mind-body-heart health might provide one exercise method to consider adding as part of a regular physical health improvement/maintenance regimen.

I interviewed Kac Young about her newest book on Essential Oils and her unique Cheese Dome manifesting technique but she had a truly extraordinary healing experience that required a follow-up conversation to offer the full details of how her ongoing QiGong practice repaired her damaged heart. Not that she realized that at the time.

Only when she had to return to the hospital because of a recurring heart issue (after her triple bypass surgery) were the results made obvious. Results so unexpected - that the Doctors were astounded.

From her website:  "I began to study Qigong a decade ago and discovered that it brought me the healing effects of gentle movement, plus a centering and an inner calmness that I had only experienced before in meditation. I loved this gentle practice because it seemed to clear out the cobwebs, release stiffness and pain and at the same time increase my energy and stamina. I guess you can say I became addicted to the resultant feeling of connectedness and ease of being. I decided I wanted to teach it so the rest of the world could also experience this wonderful sense of well being and internal harmony. I became a student and worked my way into being a teacher of Medical Qigong, or as I like to call it, Qigong with a Purpose."
