Lunchtime under lockdown in Le Marche

Apr 03, 2020, 04:01 PM

Le Marche, Italy lockdown recording by Mauro Pennacchietti.

"I live in a 1,900 people hill top village in Le Marche. In front of home I have the castle walls that are more 900 years old. 

"Since the coronavirus lockdown everything has gone quiet and I can hear the countryside cockerels and dogs, and during the night I can hear frogs. I’m looking forward to summer with cicadas and crickets.

"This is a lunchtime stereo recording in which you can hear dogs, Streptopelia decaocto (Eurasian collared dove), Corvus monedula (western jackdaw), Serinus serinus (European serin), Sylvian atracapilla (Eurasian blackcap)"

Part of the #StayHomeSounds project, documenting the sounds of the global coronavirus lockdown around the world - for more information, see