Wednesday, April 8: Remembering Chef Jerry Reveron, Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim Enacts Business Curfew, An E.R. Nurse, and Yale's Dr. Choi on Coronavirus

Apr 08, 2020, 05:38 PM

Chaz and AJ learned last night that Chef Jerry Reveron died from complications caused by Coronavirus. (0:00) 

Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim called in to talk about enacting a business curfew. (2:02)

In Dumb Ass News a mayor's wife is arrested at a bar after the mayor tells the town not to go out anymore. (15:38) 

An E.R. Nurse calls into Chaz and AJ to talk about the latest from the front lines of the fight against COVID-19. (21:22)

LaBonne's Market is now taking the temperatures of customers before they enter the store. Bob was on with Chaz and AJ to explain why the change was made, and what happens if a customer's reading is too high. (31:21)  

Cameron from Market 32 has seen it all in the stores over the last few weeks, but never anticipated he might have inadvertently caused a rush on the store. (48:19) 

Jerry Reveron's longtime friend, Doug was on with Chaz and AJ to talk about his life and what made him so special. (54:02) 

Dr. Choi is in charge of the plans at Yale Hospital when it comes to fighting COVID-19. Before he got into any of the details, he just wanted to say hi to his children, since he hasn't seen them in a month. (1:02:05) 

Jason Page called Chaz and AJ to talk about the insane plan Major League Baseball proposed to have a season begin in May. (1:19:08) 

Ken from Colony Pizza calls in to explain how they are open for business, and how much he appreciates what Chaz and AJ are doing. (1:26:39)