Personal resilience

Episode 33,   Apr 10, 2020, 05:00 AM

Liggy Webb is an award winning and bestselling author, presenter and international consultant. She is also the founding director of The Learning Architect, an international consortium of behavioural skills specialists. She is recognised as a thought leader on human resilience and works with a wide range of businesses focusing on optimising potential through continual learning and behavioural agility.

This 60-minute bite-sized webinar will help you:

  • Understand the value of being resilient 
  • Be more adaptable and agile 
  • Adapt well through rapid change
  • Think more positively and optimistically
  • Take personal responsibility and action 
  • Make a positive difference 


The Green Room Golf Course Podcast is produced by Karl Hansell on behalf of the British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association.

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