The Anna & Raven Show: Rise of the Hoarders

Apr 15, 2020, 05:22 PM

If you now drive like you’re playing a game of Mario Kart because there’s nobody on the roads or if you think it is acceptable to drive through the neighborhood at 4 am doing 80 mph while delivering the newspaper, that’s all I need to know about you! (0:00)

People have been hoarding so much during this stay at home mandate! Anna went to the store and bought 13 Bisquick pancake mix and she felt one of those crazy people. Raven still has a ton of SPAM, but what’s that one thing you’ve hoarded? (3:33) We know there’s plenty of information going on and it’s tough to stay on top of it all. Anna & Raven have you covered with three things you should know! (9:59)

Anna, Raven, and Chef Plum kick off day three of The Home Cook Idol with Jessica's Chicken Meatloaf! It has some tasty ingredients but will it have what it take to make the cut? (14:06) These times have been trying, but Anna & Raven want to focus on the brighter side of things! Each morning they share a happy story that’s come out during these difficult times. (17:54)

These are crazy times and people have so much they want to talk about, whether it’s missing their families and friends, or just want a place to vent! Get it off your chest! Leave us a voicemail! Call 833.431.0905 (21:13) Anna has been trying for years to learn how to meditate, but she finally might have figured it out after learning this new technique from a friend! (24:24) 

Can’t Beat Raven: Can Jennifer beat Raven? (27:17) There really is so much news out there that we couldn’t have just three things! Here are three MORE things you should know! (31:00) Etiquette experts are suggesting that you tip significantly more during this period! Anna & Raven ask Karen Thomas was the best way to go about it! Have you been tipping extra during the quarantine? How much have you been tipping? (33:52)