The Anna & Raven Show: Raven the Dream Whisperer

Apr 17, 2020, 03:40 PM

If you rock a Buzz Lightyear helmet as a face covering when you go outside or if you’re watching weather reports praying for no snow or rain because you have no windshield wipers, that’s all I need to know about you! (0:00)

There’s not much else going on so a lot of people have taken to Spring Cleaning, including Anna who found some cool stuff buried in the back of her closet. What did you find while you were spring cleaning? (3:22)

Anna, Raven, and Chef Plum kick off day three of The Home Cook Idol with Lisette's Eye of Round Roast in a Crock Pot with Mashed Potatoes and Cheesy Cauliflower Casserole! It has some tasty ingredients, but will it have what it take to make the cut? (10:38)

Raven’s Report Card: It’s her favorite time of the week, when Anna calls Raven’s wife Alicia to see how he behaved as a husband! What do you think his grade will be after Raven put a dirty washcloth into Alicia’s bathroom sink! (14:38) Anna’s been having weird dreams! She doesn’t know what else to do, so she asked Raven to help her interpret the crazy head movies (19:13)

Grammy-award winning singer-songwriter, actress, author, television personality, and the original American Idol Kelly Clarkson talks with Anna & Raven about what her life has been like during her cabin quarantine! (22:09)

We know there’s plenty of information going on and it’s tough to stay on top of it all. Anna & Raven have you covered with three things you should know! (28:32) If you want to get something off your chest while you’re Staying at Home, Anna & Raven got you covered! Just call the Quarantine Confessions HotLine and let us know what's on your mind! Leave us a voicemail! Call 833.431.0905 (32:02)

These times have been trying, but Anna & Raven want to focus on the brighter side of things! Each morning they share a happy story that’s come out during these difficult times. (35:32) Can’t Beat Raven: Can Denise beat Raven? (37:52)

If you were planning a vacation in 2020, that seems like a long time away. Do you cancel? Do you still go? Travel Expert Johnny Jets will let you know! (42:04)