Pregnancy, Birth, and Mothering During Covid-19 | Diana Spalding, MSN, CNM

Episode 253,   Apr 17, 2020, 06:19 PM

Certified nurse-midwife, pediatric nurse, and mother of three, Diana Spalding talks us through these challenging times, including what expecting mothers need to know right now about their birthing plans (hospital, birthing center, or home birth).

#253 • Here's what you need to know when it comes to pregnancy, birth and Covid-19. Certified nurse-midwife, pediatric nurse, and mother of three, Diana Spalding talks us through these challenging times, including what expecting mothers need to know right now about their birthing plans (hospital, birthing center, or home birth). We always talk about how "It takes a village," so we also find out ways a mother can have a more connected experience after the baby arrives. Be sure to check out the first part of our series with Diana Spalding: "The Must-Have Mom Guide Right Now", available at and wherever you listen to podcasts.

Our guest Diana Spalding is the Digital Education Editor at Motherly and the founder of Gathered Birth, a motherhood wellness center in Media, PA., as well as the author of THE MOTHERLY GUIDE TO BECOMING MAMA: Redefining the Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum Journey along with Jill Koziol and Liz Tenety out April 14, 2020.

X Ellie Knaus

Show Notes:

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