Demolition Man and Devs (GUEST: Alan Yang, director of Tigertail)

Apr 21, 2020, 05:06 PM

On this episode, special guest Alan Yang, director of the new Netflix film Tigertail, stops by to review 1993’s Demolition Man. Tune in to hear the cast discuss Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes’s memorable performances. Stay after the show for a in-depth review of Devs, the sci-fi limited series written and directed by Alex Garland.

Read about the predictive power of Demolition Man here

Thanks to our sponsor this week: Quip. 

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Shownotes (All timestamps are approximate only)
Feature (~05:30)
Demolition Man
After Darks (~01:01:30)
  • Our music sometimes comes from the work of Adam Warrock. You can download our theme song here. Our Slashfilmcourt music comes from Our spoiler bumper comes from filmmaker Kyle Hillinger. This episode was edited by Beidi Z.
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