NHS applause from Reigate Hill

Apr 22, 2020, 02:32 PM

Reigate, UK lockdown sound recorded by Mark Cattell.

"Clap for Our Carers, every Thursday at 8pm since the UK Coronavirus lockdown started, has become an outlet of gratitude and support for the nation towards NHS, social care and other essential key workers that continue to selflessly help those debilitated by the virus, others in need of support as they shelter at home, or just keep the infrastructure of the country running.

"It is also used to promote donations to NHS Charities Together - nhscharitiestogether.co.uk in order to help support a desperately underfunded health service that is struggling for essential supplies during the pandemic. 

"I hope that this weekly show of gratitude and community solidarity for the workers that provide our essential services will be remembered long after this crisis by a public that so recently re-elected a government whose policies are to freeze the pay rises of essential public workers below inflation rates, promote a hostile environment for immigrant workers  who fill so many roles in the NHS other essential services, and of austerity measures that mean that public services like the NHS are so underfunded that they lack basic equipment to treat and protect their workers from this virus."

Part of the #StayHomeSounds project, documenting the sounds of the global coronavirus lockdown around the world - for more information, see http://www.citiesandmemory.com/covid19-sounds