Morning birds in a small city

Apr 27, 2020, 09:12 AM

Lancaster, USA lockdown sound recorded by Jason Mundok.

"Since we've been mandated to stay home on March 19, 2020, my partner Anne and I have been working remotely in our dining room. We would have typically spent at least 10 hours a day in a coworking space that she owns and operates in our small city of Lancaster, PA, USA. Even at the start of our stay-at-home orders, I had a feeling we would be here longer than projected, so I installed a couple of bird feeders that been left by the previous owners of our house directly outside of the window where we would be working. It took a few days but the birds finally discovered them and each day I've enjoyed to seeing them fly around the yard and stop by for a meal or a snack. They are particularly active in the morning so I captured a few minutes around 6:40 am on Saturday, April 25, 2020. (The hum is the sound of a neighbor's HVAC system)

"Our small city has been closed for about six weeks. Like most places, the small business community is struggling and fearful of not being able to survive. My partner and I are both entrepreneurs and our networks are full of small business owners. We're doing our best to stay positive but the future is so uncertain that all we can do is take each day as it comes and try to make the best decisions as we go.

"On the positive side of things, slowing down has allowed me to pay attention to things that I likely wouldn't have during regular hustle of "normal" life. Connecting with the birds in my yard is a daily reminder to look away from the screens from time to time, sit quietly, and enjoy their songs."

Part of the #StayHomeSounds project, documenting the sounds of the global coronavirus lockdown around the world - for more information, see