
Season 2, Episode 11,   Apr 29, 2020, 06:03 PM

"Keep that SPIRIT up!
Say: Keep that PERSONAL spirit up!
Say: KEEP👏🏻 IT 👏🏻 UP 👏🏻WOOO!!"

Let’s be honest...
It’s EASY to “B-E AGGRESSIVE” about chasing our inspirations when we are seeing the fruits of our labor. When our “fans” are excited for us, we tend to gain momentum and BOOM!..Who doesn’t LOVE jumping aboard a fast moving, triumphant bandwagon!!
🥇Winning is FUN!
😬But the struggles are REAL...
So, how do you “Keep That Spirit Up” when times get tough for your team or personal plan? What happens when the momentum slows and your fans (and maybe even YOU the driver) want to jump off the bandwagon?

Got 7 minutes to spare?