Strange Night | True Ghost Stories

Jun 01, 2020, 09:00 AM

A strange night takes a turn for the dark side once one person gets home, only to encounter an unknown spirit lurking in the dark.
Here is a preview of the story.

“So, I took him inside with me and went upstairs to my room. I played in my bed in the dark for a few minutes and for some reason I started feeling very uneasy. I do not scare easily but I was scared at that moment. I went downstairs to my uncle's room. I sat on his bed in the dark, still feeling uneasy, and I grabbed my guitar. I like to sing when I am feeling a way to distract myself. It usually puts me in a better mood. So, I started to sing and play and suddenly, I realize that I was hovering over my body, watching myself sing and play. I could feel myself and see myself doing this simultaneously. I was terrified. I gasped and sat up in bed immediately. I was in my body again, but I could hear something breathing heavily inside of me. My heart was beating out of my chest and I was seeing through an orange-reddish filter. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes and the filter went away. Almost immediately after I came to, there was a frantic knock on the front door.”

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