Steve Colbern, May 10, 2020 - Alien Implants, Patient 17

May 08, 2020, 03:44 PM

Alien Implants - proof of the existence of entities trying to manipulate and intervene in Human affairs?

In a previous interview, Terry Lovelace talked his UFO encounter in 1977. It wasn't until several decades later that he discovered an anomaly in his leg. 

Steve found a foreign object his toe - and had it removed. That is how he met and began working with Dr. Roger Leir, featured in the film Patient Seventeen.  

Background on Steve from his website:
- Steve Colbern is a Chemist/Materials Scientist with 20+ years of experience in chemistry and nano technology. He is currently working in the area of carbon nanotubes with his company; Neutron Star Nano Technology. Steve has analyzed several alleged alien implants in recent years.

Steve's research discovered that these objects contain carbon nano-tubes and other nano-structures, indicating that they are sophisticated nano-devices made by a level of nano-technology far beyond that of current mainstream Earthly Science. -

Doctors interested in connecting with Steve may reach him at the phone number he provides during the show and at his website:

Dr. Leir and Steve Colbern [2010] along with Bob Koontz on Coast to Coast: Link

In the longer interview we talk about the paranormal events accompanying UFO activity.