Crazy TV Premises, Snowpiercer, Valley Girl

May 13, 2020, 02:21 PM

On this week's episode of The Hollywood Outsider podcast, we're discussing the craziest TV show premises. Also, our news roundup, spoiler-free reviews of Valley Girl and season one of TNT's Snowpiercer, Movie Innuendo, and more.

What Are The Craziest TV Premises You've Ever Heard of or Seen?

On this week's episode of The Hollywood Outsider podcast, we're discussing those wacky, crazy TV show premises. There are some TV shows that are so bonkers, you cannot believe a group of someones were high enough to green-light them. A lot of them involve animals, because who doesn't love a plot revolving around talking monkeys, but many of them are supposedly deep thinking dramas or even reality based. Sure ideas like My Mother the Car and ALF make the list, and Cop Rock hits among top ranks, but even shows like The Bachelor / The Bachelorette have a spark of insanity to them.

Also on this week's episode: our news roundup, spoiler-free reviews of Valley Girl and season one of TNT's Snowpiercer, #EntertainmentContainment recommendations, and The HO Teachable Minute.

Discussed on this episode