Episode 194 "This is A Wake Up Call"

May 14, 2020, 03:24 PM

In today's episode, Trenayce brings us a message from Spirit about our Perception. We create our reality through our perception. You have the choice to perceive the current events as an Opportunity or as a crisis, and depending on which perception you choose, it will create an entirely different reality for you. Waking up to the truth is not easy, but it is vital that all Lightworkers around the world WAKE UP! And now is the time to take a stand for the preservation of our world and humanity. It's up to us to bring the vibration up and make the Earth a better place to live. If you are ready to stand up, then tune in to find out more!

#TheGreatAwakening   #Awaken   #WakeUpNow  #Opportunity  #Transmute   #Healing  #2020  #DoYourPart   #SayNo