Football: From sex dolls to sticky balls

May 21, 2020, 11:00 PM


Kait Borsay, Lynsey Hooper, and Hayley McQueen are back with a sunny podcast celebrating the weather and the football that is slowly coming back into our lives.

It might sound like an NSFW show but we promise it's not! This week we're talking relegation battles, poor interviewees, and to celebrate the hot weather, we're making a sunshine XI with some questionable inclusions!


  • Topic 1 - Summer of (6)9 - As Celtic celebrate their nine in a row, Hearts get relegated but it turns out the Premiership relegation hinged on one results, so when have there been similarly tight battles?
  • Topic 2 - Sunny Disposition - After Erling Haaland's one worded answers, we get the inside scoop on some other bad interviewees
  • Topic 3 - Sunshine XI - With the weather out we make a sun filled football team
  • AOB - sex dolls, sticky balls, and saunas

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