Reverie of Angels

May 24, 2020, 05:05 PM

Piece based on Angel by Mark Taylor.

"The inspiration for the music came very much from the background story behind the picture – Abbott Henderson’s angels are recognised for their ethereal qualities and this particular one of his daughter, Mary, was also meant as an allegory for hope and spirituality.

"There is a certain purity, naturalness and simplicity to the image so I created the whole piece of music from just one straightforward motif to try and reflect this.

"Strings, choral voices and tuned percussion combine to create a hopefully uplifting, ethereal and thoughtful atmosphere.

"Software used:
Camel Audio’s Alchemy – featuring sounds created by Simon Stockhausen and Martin Walker.

Kontakt 6 sampler – featuring sounds from Dan Wilson at hideaway Studio

DAW – Sonar X3"

Part of the Smithsonian Treasures project, a collection of new sound works inspired by items from the Smithsonian Museums’ collections - for more information, see