A Whole New World: Dark Night of the Soul

Season 2, Episode 2,   May 27, 2020, 12:17 PM

This is a controversial , provocative, thought inspiring series which dares to challenge all that we know in order to allow us to be all that we can be.  
There are those who will be triggered by this series - and that’s ok, for to be triggered is to be spurred into action of some kind and spurred into a breakdown of the constraints of fear that have held us captive for so long.

Throughout this series myself and my guests explore what it is that has held us captive and how we now have the opportunity to break free of these chains, as we have now reached a portal of time that has been forever prophesied and is now ready to seen. That portal of time is to allow an awakening that has never before been seen. A revolution of consciousness, a revolution of our hearts and minds that will see us turn our backs on all that has held us captive, on all that has conditioned us to be less than we are able to be and on all that has stripped us of our freedom to be the magical beings that we are.

Through opening to this change, we open to a whole new world that is, not only fair for all, but that will see us living out our passions and dreams in ways that were never before imaginable. To get there, all we need to do is see. All we need to do is trust. All we need to do is love…

To contact Lena Sofie:


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Some links to help you go deeper into your research:

London Real (uncensored channel) Dr Judy Mikovits:

London Real - Robert F Kennedy on vaccines:

London Real - Dr Bhuttar:

London Real - David Icke:

Del Bigtree

Origins of the Virus Documentary

Defending Utah Radio:

Nurse whistleblower:

Nancy Hopkins speaks out about 5G

Sacha Stone - 5G Apocalypse:

Lena Sofie - Surrounding of Self Two part Video Series:

Laura Eisenhower - message to the dark controllers:

Magenta Pixie - 3 step process to ascension: