E3M1: Push the Mud Off

Season 1, Episode 6,   May 27, 2020, 05:08 PM

Sometimes you need a break from bad books by reading a different bad book. But, hey! At least it's Star Wars. Kinda?

We discuss the first 100 pages of Star Wars Legends: Splinter of the Mind's Eye by Alan Dean Foster.

Everyone's favorite franchise is here.  This is what going big or going home is all about.  Our heroes discuss a book that was the first piece of Star Wars extended universe fiction to be ejected from canon.  They can't figure out if it's enjoyable to read or not.

Bob discusses Luke TomPeeper, and compares Star Wars to the Porky's franchise at some point, while Rance addresses how he's convinced that alternate universe Luke is a sexual predator.

The guys have a meltdown about how much literal dirtiness is in this book, and have some sincere discussion about the inclusion of sexuality in Star Wars.  Of course they fall back into juvenile habits after too long, so don't worry.

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Find the "book" here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/54920/splinter-of-the-minds-eye-star-wars-legends-by-alan-dean-foster/

This episode's music:  Star Wars - Cantina Band Remix by JediProd

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