084. Student Nannies: How we Pivoted during Covid-19

Episode 84,   Jun 02, 2020, 06:00 AM

If a business is to thrive and grow it must adapt. That is even more important in the current Covid-19 climate. 
Most working parents understand the difficulty of juggling the demands of the office alongside the needs of your children. Even more so now with families trying to manage and adapt to working from home while homeschooling children. 

Student Nannies solves the gaps in childcare that are difficult to fill. It was started by  journalist Tracey Blake in 2017 after a chance meeting with two students while waiting for a train.

Tracey joins Trish to share her startup journey; how she turned an idea into a reality, developed a platform, raised funding and how Student Nannies has now pivoted to adapt to suit the COVID-19 way of working. 

Host: Patricia Keating
Guest: Tracey Blake founder and CEO Student Nannies https://studentnannies.com/
Listening Time: 30 mins
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