Dr Hazel Harrison

Episode 1,   Jun 12, 2020, 12:00 PM

In this episode we talk to clinical psychologist and founder/owner of Think Avellana - Dr. Hazel Harrison – about the importance of wellbeing in the workplace.

This launch episode of Coffee First was taken from a recording of a live webinar Adam Saunders (Managing Partner at Amrop UK) hosted in May 2020 – during lockdown and Mental Health Awareness Week to discuss the topic of Kindness.

Adam is joined by guest Dr Hazel Harrison – clinical psychologist and founder of Think Avellana; a firm which works with clients ranging from FTSE 100s through to SMEs, on their strategies and practices around mental well-being at work. In her work Hazel helps create highly productive, growth-oriented company cultures by demonstrating the importance of wellbeing, from the board down to graduates.

Adam and Hazel talk about the importance of wellbeing to an individual’s health, teams health and businesses health. They discuss how mental wellbeing has become an openly discussed topic inside businesses, with more and more time, and money, being spent on understanding the importance of positive wellbeing to culture and productivity. They draw parallels between mental wellbeing and physical wellbeing and share some ideas on how daily practices can add a lot in the long-term.

During the chat, they refer to a number of sources which can be found below together with some recommended books:

Mental Health Awareness Week: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/
Loss during the pandemic: https://bit.ly/3bRGKxq
One helpful way to understand wellbeing: https://bit.ly/2yl2Tqm
Wellbeing in the workplace: https://bit.ly/2zVJ49G
Reading material on the psychology of grief: https://amzn.to/3cQuIpr

Follow Dr Hazel Harrison on Twitter: @ThinkAvellana

Go to Dr Hazel Harrison’s firm, Think Avellana’s website: http://www.thinkavellana.com/

Follow Coffee First on Twitter: coffeefirst13

Follow Amrop UK on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/amrop-uk/

Go to the Amrop UK’s website: https://www.amrop.co.uk/

Email Coffee First: coffeefirst@amrop.co.uk

Music featured: "Wonderflux - Visions" by Argofox, used under CC BY

Hosted by Adam Saunders
Research by Charlotte Price
Edited by Fabiana Ottini