The Anna & Raven Show: Anna's Bananas, Laundry Talks and Raven's "Boring" Homework

Jun 18, 2020, 12:39 PM

Anna think’s giving someone the middle finger is outdated, so she had to research where it originated from.  (0:00)

What is the right age for your child to start doing their own laundry? (3:06)

All I need to know about you! (9:21)

Anna gave Raven some homework assignments to (hopefully) help him with his boredom. How did he do? We find out. (13:35)

Anna did what at a grocery store? What would you have done in this situation? (21:03)

Anna’s daughter Hayden gives some wonderful life advice when it comes to younger siblings (27:00)

In today’s Couples Court, Stephanie wants to do her Yoga classes with her clients in the comfort of her own home. Jared says “no way!” as he doesn’t want any liability issues, or have too many strangers in the house. Whose side are you on!? (30:20)

Gail tried but Raven came out on top! The jackpot now climbs up to $300 for tomorrow! Tune in for Can’t Beat Raven at 8:10AM every weekday! (36:35)