**Special bonus episode** Poveglia Island/Island Of the Dolls

Jun 23, 2020, 03:11 PM

We're releasing one of our mini episodes that our Patreons get! Come check out the party we've got in full swing over here, and sign up today! Mini episodes like this one are available to everyone at the $5 and up level!

Today's mini episode we go to the islands! Not the fun, tropical islands, but islands nonetheless. To make them feel more welcoming we bring our tropical drink - Gilligan's Island Punch with us.

We talk far more about the Black Plague and the ashes of human remains than we'd like, we judge the obsession of a man who dedicated an entire island of creepy dolls to a drowned little girl he may or may not have found. And we get into the reasons why dolls creep people the fuck out.

Grab your favorite drink and listen to 2 stories full of fascination and word butchery like only we can bring you!