Quarantine Kitchen with Brennan Dates Day 31 ON SUPER YACHT LOCKDOWN - How to Sear a Fish

Season 1, Episode 88,   Jun 24, 2020, 06:00 PM

Social Distancing on a Super Yacht

This is a brief tutorial on how to get good color on your fish without overcooking it. Thicker pieces can be seared on both sides, thinner pieces, don't bother or you'll dry it out and it will be disgusting.

Try to cook fish immediately after you buy it or catch it. I can't give you a maximum number of days it will stay good for because it's such a broad diverse group of organisms. Try to cook it right away.

Don't be afraid of undercooked fish. You'd have to have some really bad luck to get sick from it. It's not 10 day old chicken you left under your car during the summer heat wave. It's not depleted uranium 238. Cook it more if you don't believe me. Just don't overcook it.

Fire any questions into the comments and I'll get back to you when I can. Nudes are also welcome (except from family, you guys can take it too far sometimes).

For more on Brennan Dates please head over to his Facebook @oliveoilandgasoline and Insta account @oliveoil&gasoline