088. How to Build a Winning Relationship with Angel Investors

Episode 88,   Jun 30, 2020, 06:00 AM

Founders put a great deal of hard work and effort into pitching to potential angel investors. But once a deal is secured the work doesn't stop. Many angels are involved in the functioning of the startup in some capacity, therefore a strong relationship can help the business grow and thrive.

Angel investor Richard Law and Ben Davies, founder of data validation platform Vypr both understand the importance of a productive working relationship.

In this podcast, recorded prior to the Covid-19 lockdown, they share their insights into what makes a winning investment partnership for both angel and entrepreneur.

Host: Patricia Keating
Guest: Richard Law, angel investor and chairman of Vypr and Ben Davies, founder of Vypr https://vyprclients.com/
Listening Time: 50 mins
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