Behind Chapter 2

Season 1, Episode 3,   Jul 06, 2020, 07:46 AM

Episode 2: goes a little behind the subject of policing where the discussion extends to the exploration of the necessary relationship between the police force and the community – community policing is discussed and the  trust that is conveyed by members of a community to their police force into whose hands they give the power to police  and at the same time respect the needs of the community and discharge  their duties with a degree of restraint, balance and fairness.  We discuss the issue of police complaints systems and the benefits of having a police ombudsman who can deal with complaints from members of the public if there has been any allegation of misconduct or mistreatment by a member of a police force.  

This is just one way of providing safeguards to allay the fears of the general public particularly where there are minority ethnic groups in those communities.  An independent Office of oversight is needed to allay fears of a police force getting out of hand or using force beyond what is reasonable in the apprehension of suspected lawbreakers.   There are other measures such as internal disciplinary procedures for the members of the police force but having the independent Office of ombudsman gives an extra layer of protection and most important – transparency.