Behind Chapter 5

Season 1, Episode 6,   Jul 06, 2020, 07:49 AM

In Episode 5: we discuss the question of evidence and the significance of DNA fingerprinting, DNA typing and DNA profile that has assisted in more accurate identification of people who were implicated in crimes.  
We also took a visit to a former British military barracks in Dublin   – Collins Barracks - which is now a museum and provides an opportunity of reflecting on the cycle of wars. We then recalled the life story of a man called Harry Patch – known as ‘the last fighting Tommy’ who died at the age of 111. Harry Patch had only begun to talk about the horrors that he had experienced, in the trenches at the Battle at Passchendaele in the First World War, when he turned 100 years and he  tried to come to  terms with the horror he had witnessed and the loss of his three friends.  He made it his mission, for the remaining years of his life, to talk about war being a ‘licence to murder’. He became an anti-war hero and when he returned to visit the cemetery and memorial with the names of those comrades  who had perished,  he  paid respect not just of his fallen comrades but also  visited the German cemetery in a gesture of empathy and reconciliation.