The England Coast Path with Stephen Neale and buying your own campsite with Sioned Bannister

Season 2, Episode 33,   Aug 19, 2020, 06:00 PM


Andrew talks to Stephen Neale about the England Coast Path and Sioned Bannister about running her own campsite.

Andrew White discovers about the history of the soon-to-be-opened England Coast Path with the writer Stephen Neale and what is it like to change your whole life and buy your own campsite to run? Andrew finds out from someone who did just that - Sioned Bannister.

Stephen's book "The England Coast Path: Exploring the World's Longest Continuous Coastal Path" is available here.

Sioned's campsite is the wonderful Dolbryn.

To find out more about the Walks Around Britain Walker Friendly Campsite scheme, visit our website.

The Walks Around Britain podcast is presented by Andrew White and sponsored by Travall.

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