The Ann & Raven Show: Aliens and Space Perfume

Jul 08, 2020, 01:46 PM

Have you gained weight since the quarantine began? You aren’t alone! We discuss some diet ideas. (0:00)

The tristate area has added another three states to a ‘ban’ list. (3:41)

It’s babysitter confessions week. We continue asking YOU about your baby sitting stories. (7:08)

All I need to know about you. (9:35)

Ever wonder what space smells like? You’re in luck because NASA is making a space scented perfume! (13:25)

Comedian Courtney Davis is back to give us some more relationship advice. (17:33)

Anna went to get tested for Covid-19 and is patiently awaiting the results. (21:44)

We talk injuries you gotten at the workplace (26:45)

Lexi & Jay had a trip booked to Italy that's not happening. She says let's divert and visit my family to escape, he would rather keep the days and go longer next year. You'll decide who's right in the Couples Court! (34:11)

Will Mary win the 200 dollars or will Raven claim another victory and raise the jackpot to 300!? (41:33)

The U.S. may ban Tik Tok. Here is why and Anna’s daughter Hayden fills us in about it too! (45:33)