OK Geiko

Jul 10, 2020, 12:38 PM

Kyoto Geiko performance reimagined by Nick St. George.

"OK Geiko is another step along my road towards more abstract composition, moving away from narrative and the use of spoken word. 

"This is an exercise in pure sound (dare one even say "music"?!) and features a new piece of software (for me) which I learnt about via the Cities & Memory website. Cherry Audio's oddly-named 'Voltage Modular" (Modulator, surely?) has provided me with a whole host of synth sounds for the first time, and you will hear some of them in this piece. 

"The starting point was the percussive sequence that came from the Geiko performance  - the field recording then reappears throughout with samples from the vocal elements of the show. A couple of Japanese instrumental 'flavours' and beds from our old friend Apple Loops were also added to the mix."