The Anna & Raven Show: Anna's Covid Results

Jul 10, 2020, 01:28 PM

Anna and the tale of the ice cream truck continue. (0:00)

Should you buy your child there first car or did you buy it for them? (3:29)

All I need to know about you! (10:46)

Magic Johnson openly admitted that he has someone writes his Tweets. We put Producer Sean to the test and had him write some tweets for us. (14:18)

A few days ago Anna got tested for Covid, and today we have the results! Drum roll please! (23:14)

It’s baby sitter confession week so we wanted to hear some more confessions from you. (27:06)

It wouldn’t be a Friday without Raven’s Report Card. How did Raven do this week? His wife, Alicia fills us in. (32:18)

Couples Court: Ann Marie says her husband Tommy needs to be on diet, he claims the dad bod is in! Can you force your spouse to be healthy? You are the judge in couple’s court!  (36:22)

Will Dottie be able to win the $400 or will we add another 100 dollars to the Jackpot!?  Would you have gotten any of these questions right? (45:17)